To choose between NinjaEssays and Freshessays, read the comparison of both companies first. Analyzing what pros and cons suit your needs better, you can make the final decision. As for me, NinjaEssays is worth trying.
Both NinjaEssays and Freshessays are good at proper English grammar, so you can get a well-written paper. However, they have some differences. For example, Freshessays has a good price policy as the prices start at $9.97, but they ask for additional fees if you need an abstract or a plagiarism report.
Although you have up to 3 free revisions, you need to pay again if your paper won’t be well-written after them. As for NinjaEssays, they offer a good variety of services, and their customers get discounts, so you can save money with them. Plus, their support is at your service 24/7.
All in all, NinjaEssays seems to be a better choice.